How to Increase Instagram Followers in 2024 – 2025


Instagram is currently one of the most popular social media platforms with over 2 billion monthly followers. Of course, this represents a great opportunity for marketers and brands to tap into this follower pool.

However, it is not easy to build a presence on Instagram and gain Instagram followers overnight. It’s a time-consuming procedure, but with a little help, you can see results faster. Here are 11 tips on how to attract more authentic and relevant Instagram followers for your brand.

1. Write a compelling biography:

The first thing someone sees when they visit your profile is your bio. Therefore, it is an important factor in making a first impression on your audience. You need to write a compelling Instagram bio to encourage people to follow you.

Beyond the basics like adding contact information and a link to your web account, you also need to tell your brand’s story engagingly. Simply saying what type of business you run won’t make you stand out from the crowd.

2. Develop and maintain a unique brand personality on Instagram:

Your Instagram feed is the closest thing someone who visits your profile will see to your bio. The impression a follower gets when viewing your feed is important in determining whether they like your brand or not. It is also important to maintain consistency in colors, message type, tone of voice, etc. Because they determine the personality of your brand.

And anyone who sees your post must immediately associate it with your brand.

3. Use appropriate hashtags:

Using hashtags is a proven way to reach more people and get more Instagram likes and followers. You need to check which hashtags are popular in your niche and which are relevant to your brand and content. Then use a combination of these hashtags throughout your Instagram content to reach people who follow these hashtags.

Also, remember to add some variety and use popular industry-wide hashtags as well as niche hashtags that can help you stand out from the crowd. Instagram allows you to add up to 30 hashtags to each post, and it’s worth using this feature to your advantage.

4. Create and promote your branded hashtag:

In addition to using the most popular hashtags, you can also create and promote your hashtags. This could be a specific brand or even a specific campaign. Branded hashtags are a great way to improve your Instagram presence and promote your campaigns.

By creating a hashtag specifically for your campaign, you can also encourage people to use it in their Instagram content. This gives you free follower-generated content and ads that help you reach more people and gain more followers.

5. Optimize your subtitles:

Captions under your Instagram posts allow you to engage your current audience and even encourage them to recommend you to their friends. So why not use this opportunity to your advantage?

You can do tons of things with Instagram captions, including tagging people, asking questions, starting conversations, and more. The more you encourage your audience to comment, the more likely they are to invite their friends to join the discussion.

You can also offer discounts or offers and ask your followers to tag their friends and promote the offer. Also, don’t forget to tell a story about the photo or video you share as this will increase engagement.

6. Join Popular Conversations:

This is the other side of the story we talked about in the previous point. If someone in your niche has started a discussion that people are interested in, it would be a good idea to comment and get involved. Who knows? Some people may be impressed and decide to view your profile and follow you.

7. Check the tagged photos:

Maintaining a good reputation is very important if you want to attract and retain more followers. One way to do this is to check what types of posts your brand is marketing. People can see all the posts you’ve been tagged in on your Instagram profile. This is why it’s important to monitor who tags you in which posts.

To do this, you can use the Edit Tag feature or change the setting so that only posts you approve appear in tagged posts.

8. Add a CTA everywhere:

Instagram offers several options for adding calls to action to your content, and you should take advantage of them all. Whether it’s a simple “swipe up for more” in Stories or a “buy now” call-to-action, it can inspire your audience to take the desired action.

At the very least, you can add a call-to-action to your captions, asking people to share your content, visit your profile, or take any other action you want them to take.

9. Use influencers:

Influencers are people with large numbers of loyal, engaged followers, a quality everyone wants in their audience. You can use influencers to access their loyal followers and convert them into your followers.

It’s important to remember that influencers should come from your niche and relate to your brand. If you meet these criteria, you can move on because influencer marketing is a surefire way to get more followers on Instagram.

10. Organize a competition:

It may seem like a cheap trick, but it is a proven method to get followers on Instagram. Many brands and marketers use this technique and see immediate results.

All you have to do is announce a contest and ask people to follow you and tag your friends to enter. Additionally, write the headline in a way that encourages people to only tag relevant people who might genuinely be interested in your brand.

11. Invest in Instagram Ads:

No list of tips for getting more Instagram followers is complete without mentioning advertising. After all, it is a traditional way to attract more leads (in this case, followers) for companies that are willing to invest in it.

Unlike your posts and stories, which are only visible to your current audience, Instagram ads are shown to a much broader and more relevant audience. Investing in advertising allows you to reach a large number of people in a specific demographic or target segment. These are some of the best ways to increase your presence on Instagram and get more followers. Use these tips to see visible growth in your audience on Instagram and build a strong presence on the platform.

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